Vulnhub — Netstart 1 writeup

Guneet Singh
5 min readDec 24, 2020

netstart is a linux machine on vulnhub which is vulnerable to buffer overflow on a wine service running on it. In this writeup we will study step-by-step exploitation of the machine and privilege escalation

First things first let’s do an nmap scan

We can see 2 open ports:

1. 21/ftp -> anonymous login allowed and there are two files present login.exe, login_support.dll

2. 2371/tcp -> It is running an application called worldwire which may be vulnerable to Buffer Overflow

Let’s start with ftp and fetch these two files:

username=anonymous, password=anonymous

Now let’s try to connect on port 2371 using netcat

It asks for a password so no luck there

Now let’s debug the files we got from ftp. So for this purpose I am using a windows 10 machine.

On running login.exe we can see:

So, now let’s start immunity debugger and attach login.exe to immunity debugger:

Text is too small so sorry for that

Now let’s try to fuzz this program and see if its crashes or not. For this purpose we will be using a python script as shown below:

We will be using the same port i.e. 2371 for this purpose

Now let’s try to find the offset. For this purpose we will use metasploit’s create pattern tool

So using this pattern we will modify our python script as follows

Now we can see which characters are present in the EIP and then will use metasploit’s pattern offset tool to find the offset

So we found 65433765 in EIP. Now in Kali Linux we will find the offset

Now we will modify our script to test that if we have found the correct offset and the script is as follows

And on running the script we get

So we can see in EIP we have 42424242 which is just hex code for four B’s. Therefore, we have controlled the EIP now let’s try to find bad characters in any

The script used will be

Now on executing this script we will see if there are any bad characters or not. Also \x00 is already removed because it is a known bad character

So it doesn’t seem like there are any bad characters. So let’s get forward to our next step and find any modules with minimum security configurations and here our second file login_support.dll will come into play. For this purpose we will use script

So we can see the first file i.e. login_support.dll is least secure and can be used for exploitation. Now let’s try to find JMP ESP addresses using the again

So we have found 2 addresses 0x625012b8 and 0x625012c5

For this machine we are using the first one i.e. 0x625012b8

Now let’s set a breakpoint at this address and run a python script to control the EIP using this address

The address written here is in reverse order because x86 architecture follows little endian format and this executable is built for an x86 architecture machine. Now, on running this script we get

Now we can see that the same address is stored in EIP so we are 90% done. Now we will create a shellcode using msfvenom and store it in C format

\x0a, \x0b are also known bad chars so they are also excluded

Now we will use this shellcode to exploit the original machine on port 2371 running the worldwire application

The script used will be

Now we will execute this script and start a listener using netcat

So now let’s try to find the user flag

So now that we have found user we will try to escalate our privileges. Firstly we will see what commands can be run by a normal user using the command shown below

So /usr/bin/systemctl can be run by a normal user as root. Let’s refer to GTFObins and see if there are any exploits available

So now lets try to run this command and see if we can escalate our privileges

Congratsss!!! We can gained root

Now let’s try to find root flag

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the netstart 1 machine

